Textbook of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases with HIV Infections
Author: by K. Sardana (Author)
Publisher: CBS Publishers & Distributors
Publication Date: 2019-undefined-April
Language: English
Print Length: 496 pages
ISBN-10: 9388327551
ISBN-13: 9789388327558
Book Description
This textbook simplifies and demystifies a subject that often baffles young undergraduate students, dermatology trainees, and physicians. It looks at skin diseases and sexually-transmitted diseases in an easy to read manner with practical and comprehensive information on the clinical features, pathogenesis and treatment of dermatological diseases. The book has 32 chapters covering all sections of dermatological disorders from 23 experienced contributors.
• Concise and appropriate text for dermatology readers.
• Explicit and elaborate diagrams throughout the book.
• Effusive clinical images.
• Clinical pearls throughout the book.
• A handy summary for undergraduates and physicians, and as a bridge book for dermatology trainees. Amazon page
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