Media and Communication

Media and Communication

Author: Paddy Scannell
ISBN-10: 141290269X
ISBN-13: 9781412902694
Release: July 21, 2007
Paperback: 320 pages

Book Description
'…a great book, exciting, and very clearly written' - Klaus Schönbach, University of Amsterdam 'This is an excellent book that provides students with a broad series of summary outlines of key thinkers on media and communication, without conflating the two terms' - Michael Pickering, University of Loughborough Magisterial in scope, Media and Communication traces the historical development of media and communication studies. Media Studies itself has a short history but many antecedents, and in this comprehensive and compelling book, Paddy Scannell sets out to describe and analysize its formulation in North American and Europe. 'This is an excellent book that provides students with a broad series of summary outlines of key thinkers on media and communication, without conflating the two terms' Magisterial in scope, traces the historical development of media and communication studies. Media Studies itself has a short history but many antecedents, and in this comprehensive and compelling book, Paddy Scannell sets out to describe and analysize its formulation in North American and Europe. Media and Communication: - Offers an accessible and comprehensive analysis of the development of media and communication theory - Includes a summary outline of all the key thinkers - Looks at the study of communication across a range of disciplines―history, literature, sociology, philosophy and linguistics- Challenges readers to engage with the central importance of communication.


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