Cross-Cultural Communication: Theory and Practice

Cross-Cultural Communication: Theory and Practice

Authors: Brian J. Hurn - Barry Tomalin
ISBN-10: 0230391133
ISBN-13: 9780230391130
Release: May 7, 2013
Hardcover: 328 pages

Book Description
Offers a deeper understanding of the need for effective cross-cultural communication and cultural awareness by those engaged in working in the international environment. This area is of increasing importance in the diverse and multicultural world where such effectiveness plays a major part in achieving competitive advantage. The emergence of India and China as future economic giants and the increasing influence of globalization have led to greater emphasis on the cultural dimensions of international business, diplomacy and international relations. This volume identifies the barriers to effective cross-cultural communication and suggests practical strategies to overcome them. Key aspects of this include the identification of the skills and competencies required for success, the personnel selection methods and the options for pre-departure cultural training. The authors provide practical examples from their own experience in over 60 countries and from discussion with professional colleagues and international students.


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