Yahoo! SiteBuilder For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))
Editorial Reviews
From the Back Cover
Save up to $75 on Yahoo! Web Hosting!
Choose the right graphics, include links and feedback forms, and add "wow"
You too can develop cool Web sites with Yahoo! SiteBuilder and this handy, easy-to-follow guide! All the basics of good site design are here, plus step-by-step directions for creating your site with text, links, pictures, and animation. Once you're finished building your site, cash in a special offer from Yahoo! for discounted Web hosting and share your work with the world.
Discover how to
Create and publish a basic site in minutes
Use SiteBuilder templates
Design a site that?s easy to navigate
Avoid common mistakes amateurs make
Offer maps and searches on your site
About the Author
Richard Wagneris an experienced author of over 16 technical books, includingWordPerfect 12 For Dummies, XSLT For Dummies,andXML All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies. He is also former V.P. of Product Development at NetObjects and inventor of the award-winning NetObjects ScriptBuilder. In his non-tech life, Richard is author ofChristianity For Dummies.
Book Description
Paperback: 333 pages
Publisher: For Dummies (September 6, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764598007
ISBN-13: 9780764598005
Richard Wagner(Author)
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