Editorial Reviews
About the Author
Dan Cederholmis an award-winning web designer, consultant, and author who specializes in designing and building sites with web standards. Throughout 2003, Dan became well known for his redesigns of the websites for Fast Company and Inc. using standards-compliant methods, while pushing the limits of CSS. Dan also runs the popular weblog SimpleBits, for which he writes articles and commentary on the web, technology, and life. His consulting firm of the same name focuses on applying the methods found throughoutWeb Standards Solutions(Apress, 2009) in creating simplistic and attractive interfaces. Speaking at conferences such as SXSW Interactive, Dan shares his simplistic approach to web design and development while spreading the word on the standards-based markup and style techniques he's collected. He lives in Salem, Massachusetts, with his wife, Kerry, two cats, and one gecko.
Book Description
Paperback: 300 pages
Publisher: friendsofED; 2 edition (May 7, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1430219203
ISBN-13: 9781430219200

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