To the Moon on a Plastic Bottle

To the Moon on a Plastic Bottle
by: Linor Bar-El(Author),Dan Raviv(Author)
Publisher: Gefen Publishing House (IS)
Publication Date: 18 Mar. 2020
Language: English
Print Length: 280 pages
ISBN-10: 9657023130
ISBN-13: 9789657023136

Book Description
What’s behind the entrepreneurship craze of Israel’s young generation? Ten years after the phenomenal sensation of Start-Up Nation, Dan Raviv and Linor Barel explain how the chaotic, audacious cultural style of Israel has become a significant component in the success of young entrepreneurs operating in a knowledge-rich environment. Generous doses of chutzpah and the Jewish talent for endless argument enable Israel’s youth to dare to dream big. The amazing story of Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari, and Yonatan Weintraub, the three young Israelis behind Project Beresheet (the first Israeli spacecraft to go all the way to the moon) is here woven between multiple examples of the Israeli innovation greenhouse and its cultural sources. A microcosm of the larger scene of this pioneering generation of young, daring Israeli entrepreneurs, the journey begins with a funny Facebook post and takes us through the decision to send a spacecraft to the moon despite no previous knowledge or financial means. By the time we reach the tension-filled landing, the entire nation is moonstruck .


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