Real Estate Market Valuation and Analysis

Real Estate Market Valuation and Analysis
Author: by Joshua Kahr (Author), Michael C. Thomsett (Author)
Publisher: Wiley
Edition: First Edition
Publication Date: 2005-10-13
Language: English
Print Length: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 9780471655268
ISBN-13: 9780471655268

Book Description
“A fresh, insightful look at how real estate professionals actually value properties and analyze markets. The focus on different product types as well as market segments are especially useful.”
Barry Hersh, AICP, Associate Professor of Real Estate and Urban Planning, City University of New York

This in-depth look at the core tools of real estate valuation will show you how to analyze the real estate market and assess the financial feasibility of a project. Many people go with their instincts or past experience when reviewing the financials and fail to utilize the useful data and analytical tools available in this field. Get the analytical data and tools you need to assess the financial feasibility of any project.

Order your copy today.

From the Inside Flap

What is a property worth, and why?

If you’re a real estate professional or an investor in real estate, answering that question is critical. Real estate market valuation is influenced by a myriad of factors. Analysis is complex, but new data and analytical tools can enhance the process and make it much more scientific. This book covers market valuation and analysis of: single-family homes and condos, multi-unit rental property, retail/commercial real estate, office and industrial properties, lodging and tourism industry properties, and mixed-use real estate. It emphasizes the importance of understanding local trends rather than relying on regional or national research. In easy-to-understand language and with great examples, this comprehensive reference:

  • Covers the analysis of local economies, the market (supply and demand for a particular type of property), marketability, feasibility, and investment
  • Describes the three appraisal methods: cost, market or sales comparison, and income
  • Explains how investment features, such as liquidity, leverage, risk, and marketability, affect valuation

Throughout the book there are valuable resources that real estate professionals will refer to again and again, plus real-life case studies that demonstrate the importance of proper valuation.

Joshua Kahr is the President of Kahr Real Estate Services, LLC, a consulting firm with specialization in real estate market analysis, financial software training, and financial modeling. He is also Adjunct Assistant Professor of Real Estate at New York University, where he teaches in the Master of Science in Real Estate program.

From the Back Cover

Praise for Real Estate Market Valuation and Analysis

“A fresh, insightful look at how real estate professionals actually value properties and analyze markets. The focus on different product types as well as market segments are especially useful.”
Barry Hersh, AICP, Associate Professor of Real Estate and Urban Planning, City University of New York

“Josh Kahr offers a reasonably comprehensive and easy to understand guide to real estate market analysis. It is well suited for graduate and upper level undergraduate students that want to understand how the theories of market analysis come alive in practice. He makes use of helpful examples from multiple real estate sectors, and in general provides a well written overview for students, including the appendix provision of useful sources and references.”
John Goering, (Prof.), Director of BS in Real Estate Newman Programs in Real Estate, Baruch College/CUNY

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