Programming the Dynamic Analysis of Structures

Programming the Dynamic Analysis of Structures
by Prab Bhatt
Publisher: CRC Press
Date: 2002-06-15
ISBN-10: 0419156100
ISBN-13: 9780419156109
Language: English
Pages: 400
Book Description
This book presents a series of integrated computer programs in Fortran-90 for the dynamic analysis of structures, using the finite element method. Two dimensional continuum structures such as walls are covered along with skeletal structures such as rigid jointed frames and plane grids. Response to general dynamic loading of single degree freedom systems is calculated, and the author also examines multi degree of freedom systems (including earthquake analysis). Each chapter covers a different aspect of analytic theory and the corresponding program segments.
It will be an essential tool for practising structural and civil engineers, whilst also being of interest to academics and postgraduate students.


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