Probability and Statistical Inference (8th Edition)
Robert V. Hogg(Author),Elliot Tanis(Author)
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Editorial Reviews Review “Generally, I think the pedagogy is excellent, providing an almost holistic introduction to statistics, both its mathematical and applications sides. Elements of the subject are introduced in increasing layers of complexity, at a rate that is challenging yet measured. Masterfully done. My overall impression of the book is quite favorable and actually I am considering this text for my next cycle of classes. Strengths: excellent use of examples to illustrate concepts; strong exercise selections; the discussions are generally clear, animated, and focused with the main drive of the text in mind. All the necessary topics central to modern statistics are introduced. The level of the text is quite good for an undergraduate introductory course. Many rather difficult ideas are presented simply, but effectively enough to prepare students for later topics and courses. And the text really bares the soul of statistics. The text motivates the theory by keeping it connected to real-world applications.” — David F. Snyder,Texas State University
“Probability and Statistical Inference is a great text to use for a one-year course, where the students are just becoming mathematically prepared. The authors write with great care and clearly develop and motivate the subject. This edition also contains a chapter on Bayesian methods. Chapter 7 is an interesting and modern treatment of the subject—a subject that has included some controversy. Although I am a probabilist, I am certainly pleased to see this treatment in an undergraduate text. Bayesian methods have long needed suitable treatment at the undergraduate level. It provides an up-to-date and complete treatment of mathematics of probability and statistics. This edition also includes many new examples, applications, and exercises. Each of these has improved in an already outstanding text.” — Randall Swift,California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
“This latest version of Hogg and Tanis contains many more realistic data scenarios that rely much less on coin tossing and dice and card examples. Students will likely better understand the material if they can relate to the examples. The authors strike a good balance between readability and rigor. The material is accurately presented and theorems are accurate. I am glad to see section 6.13 ‘Resampling Methods’ induded. The ‘bootstrap’ has been around now for 20 years but many mathematical statistics books still neglect it or relegate it to the exercises. This is a good indication that the text is up-to-date.” — Paul Joyce,University of Idaho
“This is a good, solid, calculus-based introduction to probability and statistics at the sophomore-junior level. I have used this textbook twice for such a course, and would like to use it again in the future.” — Ching-Yuan Chiang,James Madison University
“The examples in the book are very clear and easy to follow. My students would benefit from this book more than our current textbook.” — Mark Ghamsary,Loma Linda University
–This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From the Publisher An accessible introduction to the mathematics of probability and statistics for students with a background in calculus. Numerous applications help explain and motivate the concepts.–This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Book Description
Hardcover: 615 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 8 edition (January 7, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321584759
ISBN-13: 9780321584755
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