Java Application Architecture: Modularity Patterns with Examples Using OSGi (Robert C. Martin Series)
Kirk Knoernschild (Author)
“The fundamentals never go out of style, and in this book Kirk returns us to the fundamentals of architecting economically interesting software-intensive systems of quality. You’ll find this work to be well-written, timely, and full of pragmatic ideas.”–Grady Booch, IBM Fellow
“Along with GOF’s Design Patterns, Kirk Knoernschild’s Java Application Architecture is a must-own for every enterprise developer and architect and on the required reading list for all Paremus engineers.”
–Richard Nicholson, Paremus CEO, President of the OSGi Alliance
“In writing this book, Kirk has done the software community a great service: He’s captured much of the received wisdom about modularity in a form that can be understood by newcomers, taught in computer science courses, and referred to by experienced programmers. I hope this book finds the wide audience it deserves.”
–Glyn Normington, Eclipse Virgo Project Lead
“Our industry needs to start thinking in terms of modules–it needs this book!”
–Chris Chedgey, Founder and CEO, Structure 101
“In this book, Kirk Knoernschild provides us with the design patterns we need to make modular software development work in the real world. While it’s true that modularity can help us manage complexity and create more maintainable software, there’s no free lunch. If you want to achieve the benefits modularity has to offer, buy this book.”
–Patrick Paulin, Consultant and Trainer, Modular Mind
“Kirk has expertly documented the best practices for using OSGi and Eclipse runtime technology. A book any senior Java developer needs to read to better understand how to create great software.”
–Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation
About the Author
Kirk Knoernschild is a software developer who is passionate about helping software development teams build better software. He is the author of Java Design: Objects, UML, and Process (Addison-Wesley, 2002), and he contributed to No Fluff Just Stuff 2006 Anthology(Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006). Kirk is an open source contributor, has written numerous articles, and is a frequent conference speaker. You can visit his website at
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 1 edition (March 25, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0321247132
ISBN-13: 9780321247131
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