Emotional Life: Phenomenology, Education and Care

Emotional Life: Phenomenology, Education and Care (Phänomenologische Erziehungswissenschaft, 14)
Author: by Daniele Bruzzone (Author), Malte Brinkmann (Foreword)
Publisher: Springer VS
Publication Date: 2023-12-10
Language: English
Print Length: 96 pages
ISBN-10: 3658425474
ISBN-13: 9783658425470

Book Description

The human heart is, in many ways, an indecipherable enigma. The opposition of reason and passion has long prevented us from recognizing emotions and feelings as legitimate sources of knowledge. This book takes a deep dive into the rich phenomenology of affect, with a view to uncovering its essence and variety of forms: the experience of being “invaded” by an emotion is different to that of being “immersed” in a mood, just as being “guided” by a feeling does not mean being “swept away” by a passionate impulse. Hence the need for a systematic phenomenology of emotionality that can help us to appreciate such distinctions. The philosophical and pedagogical trajectory outlined in these pages provides education and healthcare practitioners – and indeed all those willing to improve their self-knowledge – with the key to a deeper understanding of the emotional life and its meaning for our existence.

From the Back Cover

The human heart is, in many ways, an indecipherable enigma. The opposition of reason and passion has long prevented us from recognizing emotions and feelings as legitimate sources of knowledge. This book takes a deep dive into the rich phenomenology of affect, with a view to uncovering its essence and variety of forms: the experience of being “invaded” by an emotion is different to that of being “immersed” in a mood, just as being “guided” by a feeling does not mean being “swept away” by a passionate impulse. Hence the need for a systematic phenomenology of emotionality that can help us to appreciate such distinctions. The philosophical and pedagogical trajectory outlined in these pages provides education and healthcare practitioners – and indeed all those willing to improve their self-knowledge – with the key to a deeper understanding of the emotional life and its meaning for our existence.
The Author

Dr. Daniele Bruzzone is a Full Professor of Education at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, where he heads the CARE Research Centre. He is editor-in-chief of the Encyclopaideia. Journal of Phenomenology and Education and co-coordinator of the working group in Pedagogy for health care professionals of the Italian Pedagogical Society.

About the Author

Dr. Daniele Bruzzone is a Full Professor of Education at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, where he heads the CARE Research Centre. He is editor-in-chief of the Encyclopaideia. Journal of Phenomenology and Education and co-coordinator of the working group in Pedagogy for health care professionals of the Italian Pedagogical Society.

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