Diffusion MRI: Theory, Methods, and Applications

Diffusion MRI: Theory, Methods, and Applications

Derek K. Jones PhD(Editor)

Editorial Reviews


"This is a truly comprehensive compilation of the science and application of these techniques in the study of brain. The book is organized into 8 sections from the physics and basics to the use of these approaches in the characterization of neurological and psychiatric disorders. There are sections on experimental considerations, analysis including fiber tracking and crossing fibers. There is also a section entitled 'Diffusion MRI Beyond White Matter' attesting to the great potential and future application of diffusion imaging and a final section that outlines the history of its evolution and personal perspectives of several pioneers. Although the book has almost 50 chapters between its covers there is little, if any, redundancy. This book is a tour de force on the topic of diffusion MRI and a must read for any student or investigator interested in this exciting and important imaging field."

–Arthur W. Toga, PhD, Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA

"This remarkable compendium of 47 chapters written by the world experts provides the most comprehensive and the most detailed description of this novel and sophisticated method. There is something of interest for everyone: from theory to hardware; from physics to biology; from animal to human internal anatomy; from general medicine to specialized diseases; and, most importantly, from brain architecture underlying normal behavior to abnormalities in neurology and psychiatry, which have benefited enormously by the introduction of this method. It may sound as a cliché that it is a must, not only for imagers, specialists and researchers, but also for general practitioners, if they need and want to be informed."
– Pasko Rakic, MD, PhD, Duberg Professor of Neurobiology and Neurology, Chairman, Department of Neurobiology, Director, Kavli Institute for Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT and Editor-in-Chief ofCerebral Cortex

"One of the many highlights of the book in addition to its excellent science is section 8 with a few chapters giving the personal perspective from some of the pioneers of the field.. There are other recent and excellent books on brain diffusion already on the market. Given the choice this is the one I will most likely take to the proverbial lonely island, especially if the stay is extended to give enough time to go through it all..As in any finite work one is always tempted to ask, what one is missing and what one would like to see in the next edition. Given the comprehensiveness ofDiffusion MRIit is hard to suggest additional topics. Overall this is a very timely and authoritative book and a must for everybody working in the field or contemplating to go into it."
— Prof. Dr Jürgen Hennig, Medical Physics, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

"This book is an indispensible addition to the growing scientific literature in the field of MR imaging. The book is a wonderful compendium, for anybody: whether a basic scientist or a clinician with an academic interest in the use of this novel technique as a non-invasive and easily accessible method to understand tissue biology. The book provides a comprehensive review of the physics and practical applications of the expanding science of diffusion MRI. Both, clinical and basic scientists/MR researchers will benefit from reading this book." —Journal of the Neurological Sciences

About the Author

Prof Derek Jones has worked in the field of diffusion MRI since 1995. He is considered a world leader making many respected contributions to the literature on all aspects of the diffusion pipeline from raw data acquisition through to clinical applications. He reported on one of the first ever applications of diffusion tensor imaging to study disease, the first ever attempt to map human brain connectivity using DT-MRI, and proposed what has become the industry standard approach to arranging gradient encoding vectors. He has twice served as Chairman of the Diffusion / Perfusion study group of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, and is now Professor and Director of MRI at Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC).

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