Developing Successful Schools: A Holistic Approach
by: Stephen P. Gordon (Author)
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Edition: 1st ed. 2022
Publication Date: 22 July 2022
Language: English
Print Length: 302 pages
ISBN-10: 3031069153
ISBN-13: 9783031069154
Book Description
This book identifies and emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to school improvement when it comes to both the development of the whole child and the relationships among student, family, and community development. In recent years, the emphasis in PK-12 education in the United States has been on the measurement of student and school performance by high-stakes achievement tests. This emphasis has resulted in a narrowed curriculum emphasizing lower-level cognitive learning, with little attention paid to the moral, social, and creative development of students, families, and communities. This book argues that PK-12 education needs to shift its focus to holistic qualities of the successful school, qualities that reflect a moral rather than a technical approach to education while also improving students’ academic performance.
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