Degree in a Book: Cosmology: Everything You Need to Know to Master the Subject – in One Book!
Author: by Dr Sten Odenwald (Author)
Publisher: Arcturus
Publication Date: 2019-10-15
Language: English
Print Length: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1788887557
ISBN-13: 9781788887557
Book Description
Degree in a Book: Cosmology is the perfect introduction to cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics. Written by one of NASA’s leading astronomers and educators, this book provides you with the essential foundations for understanding the science behind the universe we live in.
It will help you answer questions such as:
• How do we know the universe is expanding?
• What is the theory of relativity?
• How does the Higgs mechanism work?
• What is dark matter?
Filled with helpful diagrams, suggestions for further reading and easily digestible history sections, this book makes it easier than ever to understand the workings of the universe. Featuring the most important ideas in the field, including the Theory of Relativity, the Standard Model, Loop Quantum Gravity, and Supersymmetry, it covers the whole breadth of cosmology.
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