Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Public Speaking

Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Public Speaking

Editorial Reviews Review "[Essentials of Public Speaking] provide[s] a clear and engaging core of public speaking in an inexpensive format."
"[Essentials of Public Speaking] has a feel of continual development … Each chapter builds on the previous and continues forward. It's easy for students to understand and relate to."
"[Essentials of Public Speaking] is written in a straight-forward easy to digest style that presents a difficult topic (speaking in front of people) in a positive, affirming way." About the Author Cheryl Hamilton, a native of Illinois, received her bachelor's degree from Eastern Illinois University, a master's degree from Purdue University in West Layfette, Indiana, and her doctoral degree from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas. Dr. Hamilton is also author of COMMUNICATING FOR RESULTS: A GUIDE FOR BUSINESS AND THE PROFESSIONS ESSENTIALS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING. She has conducted a number of research studies?one published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice. She has presented over 32 papers at professional conventions such as the National Communication Association, the Southwest Educational Research Association, Western Communication Association, and the Texas Speech Communication Association. Dr. Hamilton has conducted seminars for such groups as the National Property Management Association, Bell Helicopter Textron, U.S. Postal Department, North Central Regional Police Academy and LTV Aerospace.–This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
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