1,000 Poses in Fashion

1,000 Poses in Fashion
Author: by Chidy Wayne (Author)
Publisher: Rockport Publishers
Publication Date: 2010-undefined-Jun.
Language: English
Print Length: 320 pages
ISBN-10: 159253631X
ISBN-13: 9781592536313

Book Description

Ambiguous, sensual, coquette, and suggestive: theone thousand fashion drawing poses in this book are a deep journey into the wealth of possibilities for illustrating male and female bodies, and designers’ capacity to transmit sensations with an ever so slight flick of the wrist. 1,000 Poses in Fashion compiles all the usual fashion poses and illustrated features, represented in full color, supplemented by the many variations of each pose, in black and white. The poses show the effects of the way in which the clothes sit on the models, guiding the reader in aspects such as how to give proportion or volume to a garment.1,000 Poses in Fashion is an essential reference for photographers, fashion designers, illustrators, models, and art directors who are interested in corporal expression in relation to fashion. 


“From classic catalogue stances to more contemporary poses for more urban labels, this book is a hard one to put down!” — iStylista (Blog), September 2010

About the Author

Award-winning fashion illustrator and designer Chidy Wayne has created his own niche in the international fashion scene. The education he received from the Instituto Europeo di Design in Barcelona laid a solid foundation for this up-and-coming star. Chidy Wayne is the author of Essential Fashion Illustration: Men. www.chidywayne.com

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