When History Returns: Psychoanalytic Quests for Humane Learning (SUNY series, Transforming Subjects: Psychoanalysis, Culture, and Studies in Education)
by: Deborah P. Britzman (Author)
Publisher:SUNY Press
Publication Date: 1 May 2024
Print Length:194 pages
Book Description
Turns to theories and cultural representations of psychosocial life to reflect on, and better understand, the challenges of learning in times of social strife.
Review “This book constitutes a rare combination of highly original theoretical thinking with literary style and structure. Its contribution to the field of psychoanalytic-educational research (and far beyond it) is huge. When History Returns both connects the psychoanalytic and the educational ‘task’-placing the whole issue of education within a very broad context that touches on history, social thinking, dream work, and the topic of transference, among many other topics-and enacts, in its very writing, the same breadth and depth to which it points and aims. It is a theoretical-literary document that is not only rare in the intellectual challenge it offers but also rare in its beauty.” – Dana Amir, author of Psychoanalysis on the Verge of Language: Clinical Cases on the Edge
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