Book Description
未经允许不得转载:Wow! eBook » Managing Aviation Projects from Concept to Completion
Hardcover: 528 pages
Publisher: Ashgate (1 Nov 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0754676153
ISBN-13: 9780754676157
Triant Flouris is a prominent academic and administrator in aviation management education; Dennis Lock has more than forty years experience in practising, lecturing and writing about project management. When these two experts combined their considerable talents to write their earlier book "Aviation Project Management", it was little wonder that distinguished reviewers gave generous praise and acclaimed it as a welcome addition to what, until then, had been a neglected field. That first title was structured as an essential primer for managers and students. The authors have now written this more in-depth book for managers and students who need to study aviation project management in much greater detail, as well as critically connect project management within an aviation context to prudent business decision-making. Aviation project management is described in considerable detail throughout all stages of a lifecycle that begins when the project is only a vague concept and does not end until the project has been successfully completed, fully documented, and put into operational service. Aviation projects have commonly failed to deliver their expected outcomes on time and have greatly exceeded their intended budgets. Many of those failures would have been prevented if the project managers had adhered to the sound principles of project management, as described and demonstrated throughout this book.
Book Description